JCI Bukit Bintang Constitution & By-Laws
The Best Advice
Parliamentary Procedure is useless to you, unless you are familiar with you Local Organization and National Organization's Constitution and By-Laws. The best advice anyone can give you is to become familiar with the Constitution and By-Law and Constitution of your organization. You will never win if you do not even know which parliamentary authority was adopted as part of your Bylaws. In the case of Junior Chamber International Malaysia, it is Robert's Rules of Order Revise (as per By-Law 19-1)
If you become familiar with your Constitution and By Law, you will win half of your battles merely because you will probably be the only person who has ever read the Constitution and By-Laws will make you the most successful member of your organization!
You will win half of your battles merely because you will probably be the only person who has ever read the Constitution and By-Laws will make you the most successful member of your organization!
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